Strong partnerships...
healthy futures

the HELP inc Fund is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization using your donations to
improve health, education and livelihoods for marginalized people in the Western Himalayas and create unique community development learning opportunities in North American Classrooms.
Even today, there are remote areas cut off from the health, education and innovative ideas that can transform communities.
It doesn’t have to be like that.
For 15 years, our award-winning work reaches the most marginalized places.
Join us in creating healthy futures.

100% of your donation
goes toward project work.
our Board’s gifts
cover our operating costs.
100% of your donation
goes toward project work.
our Board’s gifts
cover our operating costs.
100% of your donation
goes toward project work.
our Board’s gifts
cover our operating costs.
the HELP inc Fund is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization using your donations to
improve health, education and livelihoods for marginalized people in the Western Himalayas and create unique community development learning opportunities in North American Classrooms.